Fotophreak is proud to announce Pollykate Gakii and Elias Muthii as the female and male model of the week respectively. Pollykate is a seasoned runway model and has taken part in a number of pageant competitions in and out of school. To submit your application for Fotophreak Magazine model of the week, click HERE. And now, Pollykate and Elias get to sample some of their moments in front of the camera and talk about their style.

Casual wear. I love black because it can easily blend perfectly with different accessories to complete the basic outfit. And the final look is amazing.

Am wearing a bomber jacket ,a long blue baseball vest a blue fitting pencil trouser ,white Adidas shoes and shades in order to match up the look.The photo was taken at skating park in Nairobi. You can find these set of clothes at ‘Peter maghettlo’s boutique at Gikomba market

A simple red dress.It can be categorized as a dinner wear.The red colour is a representation of passionate love making it perfect for valentine wear.

Am wearing a bomber jacket a long sleeve black shirt with a t shirt inside ,a black fitting pencil trouser and black sports shoe to match with the trouser .The photo was taken at Two rivers mall .This style is good when hanging out with friends

Photo taken at KEMU university main campus.The serene environment is amazing and the pure beauty of its scenery is so appealing.

Vintage look. photocredits @mosnah photography and samie smart photography.

Street look ,,,a blue jacket ,a long sleeve t shirt ,,black trouser and black shoes the photo was taken at homeland niggar place
Social Media.
If you like the profiles for our male and female models of the week, give this post a thumbs up and follow them on their social platforms: Instagram :@katypolly9 Fb:@katypolly kikee @pollykaytee Twitter:@katypolly9 Snapchat:@katypolly9 and Elias at Elias kiama muthii on Facebook
Remember you too can make your application for the Fotophreak Model of the Day and become our ultimate model of the week by clicking HERE. Share, comment and tell a friend to tell a friend!
Ayayayayayaya hii muivo…..massive………???
Thanks guys for choosing me@Elias muthii ,,glad if you can support me in my modelling career.#Thanksfotophreak