Does it send snails?
no it sends mails.
It deals with physical papers
and not skyscrapers.
It is called snail mail
because it operates like bail,
whatever is sent moves slowly.
It comes from the lowly,
But can the lowly send letters?
Snail mail has no settlers,
it is not an area of land
but at least a plane can land.
The snail mail does not contain
mucus like other snails. It has a plain
color and is not flat like a plateau.
A snail mail has no shell on its back
but the receiver can send a letter back
to the sender. The snail mail cannot cause
bilharzia. This is because
it is not found in dirty water.
The snail mail needs a transporter
to take the letters to their respective
homesteads and be active
to the ones that need them.
The letter is placed on the hem
and the receiver picks it
from there. He will read it
and see the content of the message
before deciding on whether to pledge
to reply or not.
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