Am Letting Go
The bells are ringing
Balloons, ribbons and the glamour
The hundred and hundreds of people
All here all as witnesses
All to bemuse themselves with the sight of you beautiful in white
I love the sight of you
Clad in white
Smile on your face
But unlike the crowd
Am letting go
I am sitted here as witness
Of you turning on a new leaf of life
But do I cry or smile
My fingers on the piano
Am the occasion’s pianist
But how do I tune the musicality
Should I make the music sombre or jovial
Because every crescendo crushes my heart into pieces
How I love to hear you voice
But not saying I do
To another me
While I watch sadly saying
Am letting go
Love has essence
But I took it for granted
I know how much you loved to dance
But my feet were far from yours
I know how you wanted happy moments
I let you cry for me every night
I became a beast and no amount of kisses from this beauty would enchant
But then here I am
Am letting go
But then
I hope he will treat you like a Queen
Take you to the parties
Just like you so wished
Dance with you till dancing has no meaning
I remember how I called you love
I remember how I turned you low
I remember how you wished to be treated as a queen
But all this I failed
Credit to this
Am letting go
As you walk down the aisle
As you get a ring on your finger
As kiss your groom
As you become united to the other me
Just know this
Though it hurts
I know I was wrong
I know I screwed up
I know its already too late to say I was wrong
And in that spirit
Am here to prove
Despite all this
Despite my heartache
Am letting go
Am Letting Go