Modeling is definitely one of the careers that has proven to be the home to so many young people in 254; and everyday it continues to welcome more and more new faces and talent in the industry. We at Fotophreak are dedicated to making all these worthy introductions, promotions and career launches that we believe will go a long way in making this industry more independent and strengthen the power of pop culture in East and Central Africa.

We are proud to introduce today, one Francis Odero Omondi who is a computer science student at Egerton University. Francis started modeling in 2015 out of motivation from his friends he says, and it’s something he does both for fun and as a passion.
Read below how Francis responded to some of the questions we had for him .
Which type of modeling do you do and what is your sense of style?
I am a runway model. I do both pageantry and high fashion. My iconic dress code is definitely suits and ties.. a maroon trouser with a black polka blazer finished with brown oxford shoes with a fedora on my head kills it for me.

What has your experience been like so far and which challenges have you faced along the way?
So far it has been good.. a series of ups and downs..negativity and corruption are my main challenges.
What do you love and hate most about this industry?
What I love most about this industry is that it has no limits.. You are your own limit.. its full of opportunities and above all is full of attention..napenda attention ka dem..hehehe…(he chuckles)
Which corporate brands have you worked with before in terms of brand ambassadorship, product launches or other runway fashion events
I have worked with Jhasper Fashion which is a cloth-line for designer clads.I have been to alot of runway events too. Mr and Miss Environment and many more to mention. Which pageantry competitions have you participated before and which ones have you won?

I have taken part in 3 pageant competitions and managed to walk away with the shield in two of them.
I am the reigning Mr Egerton University and I also happen to have won the Mr and Miss Agriculture Society of Kenya, in the male category. I also participated in the Mr and miss environment Kenya franchise.
What title would be your ultimate achievement in this industry and who are some of the people that you look up to as role models
I would wish to become Mr world Kenya in the years to come… Kevin Owiti the current Mr world Kenya is my role model.
Kindly tell us what are u working on currently and what plans do you have for the near future?
I am currently working on holding the 1st edition of Nakuru fashion week early November..I am also planing to contest for Mr and miss trade East Africa in December
Do you think modeling alone can be able to pay all your bills and what advice would u give to someone who is interested In this line of career?
Yes modeling alone can pay bills… like I said this industry has no limits…You can go as far as you want.. The only limit you have is you…
Anything else interesting that you’d like your fans to know about you?
I buy my clothes randomly on the streets
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Francis omondi great work..
I love your story not leaving the fact your passion and interest has taken you to incredible positions.
I’m also a toddler in the modelling industry and I would love to go to heights just like you
If you can help me with that I would really appreciate