Snail Mail
Does it send snails?
no it sends mails.
It deals with physical papers
and not skyscrapers.
It is called snail mail
because it operates like bail,
whatever is sent moves slowly.
It comes from the lowly,
But can the lowly send letters?
Now, I’m still alone – The Loner
In the morning,
I was roaming.
I was alone.
Now, am still alone.
Should I throw a stone?
Right now am not alone.
I have cold weather with me.
But I am lonelier inside me.
I am inside the house and I...
Orange Shirt
I am now currently dressed
in it, the shirt is orange in color and it makes me feel blessed.
It has black buttons which are 3 in number and are found at the top
of the shirt,...
Death By Love Episode 2
She sat by her family's couch in the dark, a bottle of alcohol in hand .She caught glimpse of the new cupboard and went into a reverie of what happened that day ,a day...
Death By Love Episode One
Stella stood by the bedroom window of the apartment she shared with her boyfriend Lucas looking at a spectacle that killed her slowly .On their bed lay Lucas and another woman who were making...
I want to kiss your lips
I want to kiss your lips
Like the moon
Kisses the tides
I want to kiss your lips
Like the wind
Kisses the young leaves
I want to kiss your lips
Like the clouds
Kisses the sky
I want to kiss your lips
The Voices, Chasing After Shadows In Life?
You spend nights on the cold streets
Waiting for someone in a car to stop by
You hop in off you go into some room
Throws a couple of dollars and he's gone
Sometimes meet with arrogant ones...
Am Letting Go
Am Letting Go
The bells are ringing
Balloons, ribbons and the glamour
The hundred and hundreds of people
All here all as witnesses
All to bemuse themselves with the sight of you beautiful in white
I love the sight of...