She sat by her family’s couch in the dark, a bottle of alcohol in hand .She caught glimpse of the new cupboard and went into a reverie of what happened that day ,a day she would never forget.
Ten years ago;
Her father , police officer came back drunk and angry kicking the door open. Stella and her two siblings scattered for safety knowing well what was to come .She still didn’t understand how her mother had withstood all this pain and agony from this man she loathed with every fibre of her being.
.”You stupid whore you are cheating on me !!I know you are and I’ll make you pay.
“No I’m not John and you know it why you always say that ?? I’m your wife for God’s sake you need to trust me .”
Stella didn’t see the point of arguing with a drunk but she was in no place to interfere. Sounds of crashing glass and porcelain became rampant for a while with her mother’s crying went on . Even after twenty three years of marriage Annie couldn’t understand what had gone wrong with her marriage her husband had become more paranoid , her moves monitored and analyzed it was tiring.
The sound of a cocking gun was heard, Stella clutched her siblings closer who were crying as she tried to silence them but in the act a tear fell from her left eye making her feel more weak. A gunshot was heard and another Stella thought her mother was dead but her scream made Stella relax .”Stella bring the medical kit . She stood up and her father’s body came to view lying on the floor her mind and heart rejoiced at last pain was over ,her mother pushed past her and got the kit but it was too late John was dead. Annie picked up the gun and looked at it then at her children .Beneath her lay the man she had always loved “I’m sorry take care of your siblings “Stella watched her mother point the gun to her head and fired blood spat on the wall and the floor .Now Stella hated both her parents why did she have to go she could have been strong for them but she chose death .Police officers came into the room and took charge of the situation that was the last moment she had shared with her parents .
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