Get up uncle Nzembe
Come and see the fruits of our labor
Come and inspire how hard work
Who in our village
Is as hardworking as uncle Nzembe
He is a early riser
He wakes up at almost noon
Kicks open the door of his one roomed house
Then moves out with his unbuttoned shirt
Washing the face sometimes is an uphill task
Uncle Nzembe goes with his empty plate
So sure he will get food
Reap where he has not sown
None is like uncle Nzembe
He is the town newspaper
He knows the latest gossips in town
Uncle Nzembe has all the time for this
He however knows where every ceremony is
He is always ready to be
The undertaker at the funerals
Uncle Nzembe always dances wildly
Especially while high in free Karubu
But last night he took much of it
He is yet to wake up
Everyone on the contrary is gloomy
But how comes
I thought
He never came in handy
But they are all saying
Get up uncle Nzembe