Fotophreak Magazine invites freelance writers, guest bloggers and creatives to submit their articles & artistic works for publishing, on the biggest Lifestyle and Fashion Magazine in East and Central Africa.
Although our major interest is in fashion, we also publish articles from other diverse lifestyle topics. You will be notified when your article has been posted and you’ll have a chance to become one of our writers.
The categories include: Fashion, lifestyle, cooking and food recipes, love & relationships, dating life & dating tips, wardrobe invades, make up tips and tutorials, dressing, music reviews and lyrics, poetry, social rants, unbelievable life experiences, comics, health & fitness, fashion trends, what’s hot and what’s not, wardrobe malfunctions and all things about style. Feel free to interact with us via email on or give us a call on +254729209419 if you have any inquiries. Our people at the call center are always waiting on line. Welcome!