The Comrade Business Forum is the only platform among all the lifestyle and fashion magazines in the #254 that is dedicated to giving all comrades a chance to display, list and explain their business ideas on Fotophreak Magazine. This is our way of showing support for young entrepreneurs and encouraging comrades to come out of their comfort zones, utilize their talents and do something that can earn them that extra cash while still in school.
This week, we are proud and happy to introduce Riyo Jewellery. An Online shop for accessories shipped from the US and the UK with a customized taste that is meant to match the needs of the Kenyan Market. Some of the accessories sold include necklaces, earrings, watches, bangle cuffs, sunglasses and rings. This shop is owned and operated by one Rose Yang, a beautiful and brilliant lady from the University of Nairobi.
“I’m a fashion Lover, I guess its in my blood…And I love making someone look good…so I decided to do the accessorizing part of fashion… Something that is the top icing of fashion” she says.

Comrade Business Profile Information
Institution: University of Nairobi (Chiromo Campus)
Name: Riyo Jewlerry
Tel: 0724411794
Facebook: @ Riyo Jewelerry
Instagram @riyojewellery

Rose explains that her love for unique stuff is what prompted her to open the online shop. She started shipping and selling accessories them thus making them available and cheaper to her customers.

She does delivery around Nairobi for free..and in case the client is from outside Nairobi there is a standard charge of 200 bob …to send it as a parcel.

Future Prospects
We asked Rose what er customers should expect from her going forward and this is what she had to say “Certainly the Future belongs to those who believe in its beauty..More unique stuff will be coming in….and I’d like to put it as a surprise for my clients…I love the wow moments”
If you would like to READ MORE about Rose Yang’s love and passion for fashion Click Here Place your order today and get that beautiful watch or necklace delivered at your doorstep at no extra cost! If you like thus business profile about Riyo Jewellery give this article a thumbs up and share widely to show support. More product samples from the Riyo Jewellery store can be found online @Riyo Jewellery on Facebook and Instagram @riyojewellery
You too can create your business profile today in 3 simple steps. CLICK HERE