Dance,dance,dance oh daughter of the plains
Get up jump sky high and dance
Dance to the tune of your forefathers
Dance to the beats that reminds you of who you are
Dance in circles like the daughter of Kivala
A woman of principles indeed
Look at her thighs all covered in garments
Dressed up like a true African woman
Dance along with Mbula for her decency defies odds
Shun Kavilingi shun her daughters of this land
Shun her all of you
Lest you arouse the gods anger on us
Look at her red lips all like a fresh ulcer
Look at her head in heavy horse hair like the fly whisk of the old seer
Then look at the head of Mbula in Ojra
How smart it may look
Dance at her smartness and shun Kavilingi
Dance dance dance ooh decent one
Dance in your smart look
Don’t be like Kavilingi
That never fears to show off the nethers
Dance round and round
Whilst you uphold your dignity



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